Dental Implants
Glendale, AZ


Dental Implants bring you as close to growing new teeth as possible. Expertly placed in the same bone that once supported teeth, you’ll enjoy the strength and function of a natural tooth. Modern porcelains produce a result so life-like, you may forget they aren’t your natural teeth. The stability and sense of confidence you develop with implants will leave you smiling.

If you are considering choosing a tooth implant to restore your smile, the first place to start is an evaluation with Dr. Dockstader or Dr. Nguyen. He will perform a thorough examination and take x-rays of your teeth and jawbone to ensure that your bone can successfully support a dental implant.

Our team will help you learn how you can fit implant dentistry into your budget and guide you through the entire process at our dental office. Contact Arrowhead Ranch Dentistry today at (602) 843-0010 to arrange a time for your dental implant exam.

Single & Multi-Tooth Implants

dental implants glendale az | single tooth implant

single-tooth implant

Dental implant restorations are prosthetic teeth that are designed to attach to your implant, and restore your smile. For single-tooth implants, a dental crown is usually used. This crown functions just like a real tooth and is crafted to fit into your smile perfectly. In conjunction with the titanium implant, your new tooth will function just like your natural tooth did.

Single-tooth implants can be treated just like a natural tooth. Simply brush and floss your teeth normally, and your implant will remain healthy and strong for years to come. Dental implants typically last 30+ years with proper care.

dental implants glendale az | multi tooth implant bridge

multi-tooth implant bridge

A Multi-Tooth Implant Bridge is similar to a Single-Tooth Implant, but is used to replace a series of failing or missing teeth. Two dental implant screws are placed into the jaw bone and a series of strong, custom teeth bridge the gap.

Full-Mouth Implants

dental implants glendale az | snap in implant dentures

snap-in implant dentures

Snap-In Dentures (also called Click-In Dentures or Overdentures) are a cost-effective alternative to traditional dentures that utilizes strategically placed implants for added retention. Snap-In Dentures are removable by the patient for easy cleaning, but offer superior stability when compared to conventional dentures.  Dental implants can eliminate the need for the palate portion of top dentures (the part that covers the roof of the mouth), thus helping to reduce gagging sensations and diminished ability to taste food. Snap-In Dentures can also make a loose lower denture more stable, keeping it from floating around in your mouth.  Snap-In Dentures can help to increase your confidence, comfort, and function, thereby greatly increasing your quality of life.

dental implants glendale az | all-on-4 full mouth implants

all on 4 - "teeth in a day"

Permanent, All-on-4 implants can help make your dentures more stable so you can function better and have increased confidence.  Permanent-teeth-in-a-day uses 4-6 angled implants to place an entire arch of non-removable teeth in just one day!

Due to the advancements made in dental implant technology, permanent-teeth-in-a-day is more affordable than ever.  And unlike many other teeth replacement options utilizing implants, with permanent teeth-in-a-day you leave that same day with fixed teeth.

Frequently Asked Questions

Dental Implants Glendale, AZ

What are dental implants? How do dental implants work?

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots made of titanium that are surgically placed into the jawbone to support a replacement tooth or bridge. They are used as a permanent solution for missing teeth or teeth that need to be extracted.

Dental implants provide a durable, long-term solution for missing teeth, as they are designed to function and feel like natural teeth. They also help maintain the structure of the jawbone by preventing bone loss that can occur with missing teeth. Overall, dental implants can improve the appearance of the smile, restore chewing and speaking abilities, and enhance overall oral health.

There are a few options when it comes to dental implants, ranging in price, function, and how many teeth you are looking to replace.

  • Single Tooth Implant | Replaces one tooth. The implant looks, feels, and functions just like a normal tooth, helps to reduce bone-loss after removal of a natural tooth, and has a minimal impact on nearby teeth.
  • Multi-Tooth Implant Bridge | Replaces a series of bad or missing teeth. Two implants are placed into the jaw, which are connected to a series of crowns that bridge the gap.
  • Snap-In Implant Dentures | Also called “Snap-On Dentures” or “Overdentures”, this procedure involves placing 2-4 dental implants, allowing your dentures to securely snap in and out. Anchoring dentures with dental implants provides far better support and function than traditional dentures, at a lower cost than All-On-4.
  • All-On-4, Full Mouth Implants | The All-On-4 procedure is the most life-like way to replace bad or missing teeth. Each full arch is secured by 4-6 dental implants, making them feel and function just like natural teeth. Dr. Dockstader and Dr. Nguyen will work with you to customize your final teeth to make sure you walk out with the smile of your dreams!

The type of dental implant that’s best for you will depend on several factors, including the amount and location of healthy teeth you have, the amount and density of bone in your jaw, your overall oral health, and your personal preferences. Dr. Dockstader and Dr. Nguyen will go through your options and recommend the best type of dental implant for your specific needs after a thorough evaluation. To book a consultation, give us a call or schedule online today!

The cost of dental implants can vary depending on several factors, including the type of implant, the number of implants needed, and any preparation for the procedure, such as extractions. Because this is so case-by-case, we recommend that you schedule a consultation with Dr. Dockstader or Dr. Nguyen, and they will be happy to walk you through your options and pricing for each with no pressure.

Dental insurance coverage for dental implants can also vary depending on your specific insurance plan. Some plans may cover a portion of the cost of dental implants, while others may not cover the procedure at all. It’s important to check with your insurance provider to understand your coverage options for dental implants. In some cases, dental insurance may cover the cost of the restoration (the replacement tooth or bridge) that is attached to the implant, but not the implant itself.

Either way, at Arrowhead Ranch Dentistry, we offer convenient financing options to help you fit the cost of dental implants into your budget. Click here to view our financing options.

Bone grafting is a procedure that involves adding bone tissue to the jawbone to increase its volume and density. This procedure is commonly used in dental implant surgery to help provide a stable foundation for the implant.

Bone grafting may be necessary for dental implants in cases where the patient has experienced bone loss in the jaw due to periodontal disease, injury, or other causes. Without sufficient bone volume and density, the implant may not be able to integrate properly with the jawbone, leading to implant failure.

In some cases, bone grafting may not be necessary for dental implants, depending on the amount of available bone in the jaw and the specific implant placement technique used. Dr. Dockstader and Dr. Nguyen will be able to determine whether bone grafting is necessary for your dental implant procedure during your initial consultation.

Dr. Dockstader and Dr. Nguyen will use an anesthetic so most patients report minimal pain or discomfort during and immediately after their dental implant procedure.

After the anesthetic wears off, it’s common to experience some minor discomfort, swelling, and bruising in the area around the implant. Dr. Dockstader and Dr. Nguyen may prescribe or recommend over-the-counter medication to help manage any discomfort as you recover.

It’s very important to follow all post-operative instructions, including any medication instructions and recommendations for oral hygiene and diet. Avoiding smoking and drinking alcohol can also help reduce discomfort and promote healing.

While dental implant surgery is generally well-tolerated, it’s important to discuss any concerns or questions with Dr. Dockstader or Dr. Nguyen prior to your procedure. They can provide detailed information about what to expect and work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan that meets your needs and minimizes any discomfort or pain.

We’re a little biased, but we firmly believe that Dr. Dockstader and Dr. Nguyen are the best dental implant specialists in the Glendale area! But don’t take our word for it, read our reviews!

The most important thing is to find an experienced dental implant specialist that will discuss all of your options with you, without pressure, and let you make a decision that you’re comfortable with. At Arrowhead Ranch Dentistry, we’ll work with you to customize a dental implant treatment plan that fits within your budget, and deliver results that will make you and your loved ones smile!

The healing time for dental implants can vary depending on several factors, including the number of implants placed, the condition of your jawbone, and your overall health. In general, it can take anywhere from several weeks to several months for dental implants to fully heal and fuse with the jawbone.

During the healing process, it’s important to follow all post-operative instructions, including proper oral hygiene practices and avoiding certain foods and activities that could interfere with healing. Dr. Dockstader and Dr. Nguyen will also schedule follow-up appointments to monitor your progress and ensure that the implants are healing properly.

Snap-in dentures, also known as implant-supported dentures, offer several advantages over traditional dentures, including:

  • Better stability and retention | Snap-in dentures are anchored to dental implants, which provide a secure and stable foundation for the denture. This helps prevent slippage and movement of the denture during eating, speaking, and other activities.
  • Improved comfort | Snap-in dentures are designed to fit more precisely and comfortably than traditional dentures, as they are custom-made to fit the contours of your mouth and secured in place with dental implants.
  • Improved chewing and speaking ability | The stability and support provided by the dental implants allows for improved chewing and speaking ability, as the denture is less likely to slip or move around.
  • Improved oral health | Snap-in dentures do not cover the palate, which allows for improved taste and sensory perception. Additionally, the dental implants help preserve the jawbone and prevent bone loss, which can occur with traditional dentures.

While snap-in dentures may require a higher initial investment than traditional dentures, many patients find that the improved comfort, stability, and functionality are well worth the cost. Dr. Dockstader and Dr. Nguyen can help you determine whether snap-in dentures are a good option for your individual needs and preferences.

You may need dental implants if you have one or more missing teeth or if you are facing tooth extraction due to extensive decay or damage. Additionally, if you have traditional dentures or bridges that are uncomfortable, unstable, or otherwise unsatisfactory, dental implants may be a good option to consider.

Some signs that you may need dental implants include:

  • Difficulty eating or speaking | Missing teeth or ill-fitting dentures can make it difficult to eat certain foods or speak clearly.
  • Bone loss | If you have been missing teeth for a prolonged period of time, you may have experienced bone loss in the jawbone, which can affect your facial structure and make it difficult to wear traditional dentures.
  • Tooth pain or decay | Severely decayed or damaged teeth may need to be extracted and replaced with dental implants.
  • Self-consciousness about your smile | Missing teeth or ill-fitting dentures can affect your self-confidence and make you feel self-conscious about your smile.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, please give us a call or book a consultation online to discuss your treatment options. Dr. Dockstader and Dr. Nguyen can evaluate your oral health and determine whether dental implants are a good option for you based on your individual needs, preferences, and overall health.